The Fileverse Stack

The Fileverse Stack

Fileverse aspires to become a favourite among individuals and groups that value self-sovereignty on the web. As such, it is important that our stack reflects the cryptographic assurances and level of decentralisation that is needed to keep people in control of their data.

At the heart of our system is the user's ability to deploy a smart contract, either from their Safe multisig or EOA. This smart contract acts as a registry for all content hashes you create and encrypt via your address & other addresses which have specific permissions over the contract.

As users deploy their smart contract, they get access to a static website available also on IPFS via any public gateway. Users are prompted to locally generate and save their keys, which are used for end-to-end encryption of their files/content and for sharing access with peers. The use of User Controlled Authorization Networks (UCANs) furthers our commitment to trustless collaboration, eliminating the need for a centralised authority and bolstering security against data tampering. 

For real-time collaboration and draft storage, Fileverse employs gun.db, a protocol and peer-to-peer network that ensures data is cryptographically owned by the user, thus eliminating traditional roles like 'app admin' or 'website owner.' Once a user is done with their page, doc, etc, they can either store it locally or publish it on IPFS / Arweave on their own or via pinning services like web3storage or Pinata (default options on this v0.1). We have our storage server open source also to let users self host this data by running it themselves. We also use The Graph to index events onchain.

Fileverse's UI allows users to enhance their productivity by selecting from a range of plugins: decentralised web pages; crypto whiteboards; permanent storage; peer-to-peer file-sharing; decentralised docs etc. The level of modularity in Fileverse’s UI means that anyone will be able to build a plugin for Portals! Think of customising your workspace like you customise your browser with extensions. 

The Fileverse tech stack is all about allowing you to discover new forms of group coordination, regain your privacy, and master your productivity. Everything you need to move away from centralised servers and predatory surveillance practices, in just a few clicks. All from the comfort of your own key pair. Yes, it’s all yours! 

For more information 💛
Twitter:  @Fileverse